We’re Thinking of You

Mar 11, 2024 | All Blogs, Reframing Series, Thinking

Reframing Thinking Series, Part 2. Read Part 1 here.

It’s no exaggeration to say that we think a lot about our clients. We think about how to tailor our offerings for each client’s needs, pacing our learning blocks, brainstorming new examples, and designing experiences that give them what they need, when they need it. 

In a recent session, for example, our facilitators noticed a need for our clients to explore the many emotions coming up during our Identity & Deep Listening work. Typically, the following learning block is on power dynamics, but in this case, we could hear their need for space to share and unpack, and we needed to adjust our schedule to meet those needs. 

Here’s a closer look at what we’re thinking about when we’re thinking about our clients.

While We’re Listening

Deep listening is a practice and a transformative communication tool. We listen deeply to build connection and let the person speaking be understood in the way they want to be understood. All this takes some navigation and thinking.

To be present and connected within the conversation, we put aside our perspectives and feelings and strive to understand what we hear. We also practice putting aside our habit to prepare responses so we can fully take in what’s being said. 

But we’re also thinking. We’re navigating between intake and offering. As we listen, we notice moments when we may need to step out of listening. 

At times, our responsibility is to name a behavior or belief, ask for clarification, recognize a pattern, or hold up a mirror. Observing and listening from outside our clients’ culture, we can bring up behaviors and dynamics that the culture has made feel “normal,” but that need to be challenged. This helps the organization identify the practices that uphold its culture and the ones needed for transformation.

While We’re Creating 

Transforming organizations’ cultures involves creating a way forward that doesn’t yet exist. There’s no example or even model of what we’re trying to create with our partner organizations–equitable and inclusive spaces with systems that resist white supremacy culture. 

As we move forward in co-creating what we call the Future of Equitable Work, we’re thinking constantly about how to stay aware of our socialization, push beyond the status quo, notice when we’re not aligned with our values, and acknowledge when we’re falling into the trap of re-enacting the culture we’re trying to transform. 

Once we identify obstacles to creating the culture we envision, we then have to create a map into the unknown. How do we build structures that get us through and around our challenges? How do we see the possibility on the other side? This is some of our most creative, challenging, and thoughtful work.

Ultimately, we want to reframe the commonplace separation between “thinking” and “doing,” which usually values “doing.” We’re doing a lot while we think, and we’re grateful to be thinking of our clients and the relationships we value. We’re leaning into thinking–deeply, expansively, collaboratively, and creatively. Thanks for joining us.

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