Values-Aligned Leadership

At Leverage to Lead, we believe that how you do a thing matters just as much as the thing you do. With that in mind, these leadership sessions will prioritize connection and relationship building, as we work together to redefine the vision of your leadership team.

We provide the structures and tools necessary for your leadership team to identify dynamics that may currently be invisible.

org chart circle

For Leaders and Leadership Teams

  • Support through leadership transitions and departures, especially of founders


  • Help with navigating changes and solidifying a new leadership vision as a team


  • Connecting leaders with completed Values Excavation, Exploration, and/or Evolution work


  • Change management partnership through small and big transformations

These whole group and individual sessions will also allow for the imagination critical to leadership in alignment with collective and personal values.

Together, we will practice ways of being that go beyond getting along and doing good work together, and prioritize healthy conflict and the innovation that arises from our differences.

These sessions will culminate with each participant building the capacity for healthy risk-taking and collaboration. Each leader will deepen their understanding of how their identity impacts their leadership, and how to hold their identity and power responsibly.


Additional Leadership Topics


  • Human-Centered Practices for Leaders 

  • Managing across generational differences and leveraging age diversity

  • Understanding and leveraging your leadership identity and style

  • Connecting and aligning with completed Values Work

  • Making values-aligned decisions

  • Leading through uncertain and changing cultural landscapes

  • Managing interpersonal conflicts with Inner Agility

  • How to create equitable and inclusive working agreements

  • Challenging Harmful Beliefs and Reframing What It Means to Be a Leader

  • Leading with Vulnerability and Embracing Your Humanity

  • How to build a core team

  • How to establish and support DEI committees and taskforces

  • How to design and implement supportive meeting structures

  • How to facilitate regular and supportive team onboarding

Leverage To Lead

Read Our Articles on Leadership

The Structures of Leadership

In many organizations, leadership is seen as a function rather than a structure—a set of roles rather than an essential system that holds the organization together. Leadership often emerges in reaction to problems, stepping in to resolve crises, drive decisions, and...

The Role of Systems in Building Stability

Leadership isn’t just about offering advice—it’s about creating the conditions for people to act on the advice they already have. The consulting world often suggests that better advice is the solution to every problem, but the truth is, advice unheeded is meaningless....

Stability vs. Certainty – Leading with Values Over Fear

In leadership, the pursuit of certainty can feel tempting. Certainty implies control, predictability, and the comfort of knowing what’s next. But certainty is often an illusion—especially in dynamic environments where challenges evolve daily. True stability, by...

Leadership in the Gray: Resisting Binary Thinking

Leadership often feels like a balancing act—making decisions that support the team, aligning with organizational goals, and staying true to personal values. But this complexity is often lost in how others perceive leaders. Because of our socialization, employees may...

Leading with Your Identity

We are launching another cohort of the Future of Equitable Work (February 20th!) and we begin with deep identity work–understanding your personal and professional identity, your values, your strengths, and how to tell the story of it all. Why start here when we have...

Storytelling and Stability: Building a Resilient and Human-Centered Organization

In a world where uncertainty is constant, organizations have the power to provide something essential: stability. We often think about stability as the systems and structures that give people clear expectations and support. But just as essential is the role of...

Finding Strength in Difference

We often hear the phrase "strength in numbers." In leadership, it’s tempting to believe that unity means sameness—that in order to be strong, a team must think the same way, act the same way, and move in the same direction. We see this often in a desire for consensus....

Systems for Belonging

When we talk about equity, the conversation often centers around emotions—belonging, inclusion, and the sense of being seen and valued. And while these are crucial elements, equity work is also deeply practical. It’s about the systems we build that allow everyone to...

My Agency and My Age

I was raised with a great deal of freedom and freedom from oversight. My time as a child wasn’t overly structured by my parents. I was left to figure most things out on my own. My problems were mine to solve, my schoolwork was mine to complete, and my social life was...

Leading Across Generational Differences 

Here’s just a sample of what I’m hearing and seeing between leaders and employees of different generations: Younger employees aren’t taking responsibility for their work.My supervisor doesn’t give me enough direction or feedback. I value flexible hours and stopping...