Power in Partnership

Identity, Emotions, & Co-Creating Equity

Because this topic resonated so deeply at the Smith College Executive Education Community Keynote, we’re offering Session 3 of The Future of Equitable Work as a stand-alone workshop for leaders, leadership teams, managers, and team members.


Everyone in an organization holds power, no matter their position.

When we uncover our socialization about which identities are granted more or less power and understand power differentials and dynamics, leaders can hold power responsibly and co-create equity in every conversation.

In this 2-hour interactive session, Jennifer McClanahan makes power visible so we can hold it responsibly in our relationships and our decisions.

Watch a clip of Jennifer speaking about power and emotions:


Smith College Executive Education, Community Keynote Address, May 29, 2024.

Session Topics

    • Examining how different parts of our identity are associated with power, or not.
    • How understanding power is foundational to Human-Centered Practices and building relationships across difference.
    • How power shows up in our professional and personal lives.
    • What we’re socialized to believe about power–who holds it, who doesn’t, and how others grant us power.
    • How leaders dissociate from their own power, and the consequences on our teams.
    • What imposter syndrome has to do with holding your power responsibly.
    • How getting clear on our values helps us hold power responsibly.
    • What happens when emotions intersect with power?
    • Strategies for co-creating equity when you hold more power and when you hold less power in a relationship.
    • How to build resiliency and inner agility when navigating power dynamics.

    Session Highlights

      • 2-hour interactive and facilitated session designed for leaders and leadership teams.
      • Strategy and advisement session to tailor the content and pacing to your needs.
      • Optional 1:1 processing sessions for individual reflections, concerns, and questions.
      • Optional follow-up sessions or workshops to include managers and team members.
      • Guided workbook to prepare you for the session and give you topics and strategies for moving forward with new practices and tools.
      • Time and space to grapple with complex and changing leadership challenges related to power, power dynamics, and building relationships. 


    Ready to Start?

    Bring your leaders to Session 4 of The Future of Equitable Work on July 20 or November 12.

    Join leaders across industries and organizations as we grapple with the leadership challenges that arise when we work across power differences. With a supportive and compassionate group of fellow leaders who are all in it together, we’ll gain tools for building relationships and co-creating equity with your team.

    We customize an in-depth, supportive program on power and co-creating equity in relationships for your groups or teams navigating power dynamics: 

        • Managers caught between leaders and direct reports
        • New and experienced executives and leadership teams building relationships across multiple levels
        • Boards working with Executive Directors and C-Suites
        • Law firm partners and associates

    Contact us to talk about scheduling and pricing.

    Jennifer McClanahan

    MJ Mathis

    Leverage To Lead

    Jennifer McClanahan is the founder and CEO of Leverage to Lead, where she helps organizations operationalize values to create equitable, inclusive, and thriving cultures. She enables leaders and employees to build relationships using Human-Centered Practices and values-aligned approaches.

    A trusted advisor and partner to corporations, nonprofits, and schools, Jennifer helps leaders leverage strategies, systems, and trainings to create a future where our lives and our work are grounded in human connection and partnership. 

    Leverage To Lead

    With experience as an educator, instructional coach, leadership coach, and facilitator, MJ Mathis presents audiences with human-centered approaches that help build strong relationships and transform workplaces. 

    MJ creates learning experiences that are human-centered and nurturing containers for growth, connection, vulnerability, and creativity. These experiences are not simply about gaining knowledge but are designed so that the experience itself is transformative. She also supports individuals with one-on-one processing sessions, career strategy and advisement, and support for understanding white identity (for white-identifying folks).

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